Spinulosa newsletter

The MEG newsletter Spinulosa is sent/emailed to members four times a year, and is named after the local shrub Banksia spinulosa. It contains:
- Updates on recent activities of MEG
- Details of how and when you can be involved with MEG activities
- Information on local environmental issues that may affect you
- Educational environmental articles on ecology and conservation
- Helpful tips on creating habitat in your garden and locally relevant ecological information
If there are topics you would like to know more about, we would love to hear your suggestions - please contact us to let us know.
Below is a selection of past Spinulosa newsletters containing interesting articles including annual summaries, local developments, growing indigenous plants, and population growth.
- Spinulosa May 2018 - History of the Spinulosa emblem
- Spinulosa August 2017 - Summary of the 2017 AGM
- Spinulosa November 2015 - Summary of MEG's activities for the year
- Spinulosa September 2012 - Summary of MEG's activities for the year
- Spinulosa November 2004 - Platypus in Olinda Ck, national park weeds, feeding wildlife
- Spinulosa April 1990 - Kilsyth South Spider Orchid Land Purchased
- Spinulosa April 1987 - Population Growth
- Spinulosa May 1987 - Issues with local development
- Spinulosa August 1985 - Growing locally indigenous plants
- Spinulosa July 1984 - Local news and development
Other historical publications
More historical documents, including brochures, posters, and photographs, are available on our 50-year anniversary page.