Brickworks Flora Reserve working bees

Tapscott Centre carpark, Montrose
Saturdays, approx. 3-monthly
10.00 am
Saturday 26th April 2025, 10.00 am - 12.30 pm
Karen Davies
RSVP by 8 pm Friday

Working bees

Originally in response to concerns about Sweet Pittosporum and other woody weeds, the first MEG working bee at the Brickworks Reserve was held in 2018, and now several working bees are held every year. These include weeding, ecological monitoring, a nature walk, litter collection, and morning tea. Working bees are held on Saturday mornings (upcoming dates are listed above when planned). Tools and morning tea are provided, but please bring your own cup. Please wear long sleeves, long pants and closed shoes.

For further details, please contact Karen Davies at Please RSVP to this address by 8 pm Friday.

Working Bee Update - August 2023

Ivy is present in patches amongst some of the better vegetation so it would be good to address this to stop it smothering indigenous ground species and give space for recruitment. It is also a good time of year to look for and remove Angled Onion. With Spring around the corner a number of indigenous plants are coming into flower so a good time to observe and identify many species present which we can do as we look for ivy patches to address.

June working bee

Our most recent efforts addressed a patch of Montbretia, Flax Broom and a couple Asparagus fern. A walk through the reserve revealed the success of past working bees with relatively few woody shrub/tree species present. A large amount of rubbish was collected from around the Tapscott Centre. Rain cut our efforts short.

Please bring a pair of gloves and ensure footwear is clean of dirt to protect from bringing weed seeds or diseases into the reserve.

About the reserve

Montrose Brickworks Flora Reserve is a suburban reserve at the corner of Cambridge and Montrose Roads (map). The Montrose Brickworks closed in the mid 1950s, and the site, originally called Tapscott/Milbourne Flora Reserve, was gradually revegetated with native bush.

More information about the reserves at Yarra Ranges Council

Blackberry plants removed from the reserve
Weeding Sweet pittosporum
The front of the reserve, near Cambridge Rd
Trail and seating in the reserve
Trail and seating in the reserve
Trail in the reserve

See also