Become a Member
MEG warmly welcomes new members. Our natural environment deserves many supporters.
By joining MEG, you will:
Increase the advocacy of the group

What does MEG do?
MEG is involved in environmental activites in Montrose, the Dandenong Ranges and Melbourne's outer east, including:
- Weed removal and revegetation working bees in reserves around Montrose, including Friends of Bungalook Conservation Reserves, Friends of Heathfield Creek and Brickworks Reserve working bees
- Informative ecological walks for children and adults, on topics such as birds, orchids and fire ecology
- Engaging and informative expert speakers for school children and the general public
- Sustained opposition to the proposed expansion of the Montrose Quarry
- Maintaining the indigenous garden in the Kevin and Jill Heinze People’s Garden
- Working with the Shire of Yarra Ranges on planning issues, weed management and revegetation
- Providing environmental advice and making submissions to government.
Read more about what we do at Projects and Events.
How can I contribute?
MEG is a diverse and inclusive group and we welcome anyone who is passionate about the environment or interested in learning more. We hold events throughout the eastern suburbs of Melbourne and have members covering a wide area of Victoria – you don't have to live in Montrose to be a member!
- Our friends groups help to maintain local bushland reserves, and they are always happy to have new members (both MEG members and others). If you are interested in caring for local bush, whilst being immersed in nature with others who are passionate and knowledgeable about the environment, we encourage you to join one of our friends groups for a working bee. Upcoming working bees are listed at Events.
- All members are welcome to contribute articles to our newsletter, Spinulosa. Articles cover both local and global scales, and topics include local fauna and flora, local bushland, ecology, climate change, citizen science, and other environmental issues.
- If you have an idea for a project, group or issue you are passionate about, we would love to hear it and support you. As a group of environmentally-minded individuals, we can be a network of local residents for you to discuss issues with and are open to new events and projects.
Although we encourage you to, you don't need to participate in any of the events organised by MEG – a silent membership will keep you informed and increase the vocal power of the group.
If you'd like more information about the group's activities and possible opportunities for you to contribute, please contact us to discuss further, or contact one of the organisers listed on our Events page.
As a member you will be sent/emailed the MEG newsletter Spinulosa four times a year, which is named after the local shrub Banksia spinulosa. It contains:
- Updates on recent activities of MEG
- Details of how and when you can be involved with MEG activities
- Information on local environmental issues that may affect you
- Educational environmental articles on ecology and conservation
- Helpful tips on creating habitat in your garden and locally relevant ecological information
A selection of past Spinulosa issues is available here.
Keeping in contact
Our main form of communication with members is through emails, including the Spinulosa newsletter. You can also follow us on Facebook, YouTube and Flickr. To renew your membership or update your details, please fill out the membership form below and email or post it to us.
Membership application
To sign up as a member or renew your membership:
- Fill in the membership form (either use a PDF reader that supports forms, or print it)
- Send us the form by email ( or post (PO Box 12, Montrose Victoria 3765)
- Pay for your membership by direct debit, cheque or money order (more details in the membership form)
If you have any questions about MEG or membership, please contact us.
Annual membership rates
Single | $15 |
Concession | $12 |
Families | $20 |
Thank you for your interest in MEG and our local environment. We look forward to your involvement.